I’ve downloaded version 1.5 of Mercurial for windows. Install was seamless and now I’ve got a command line to play with.
Lucky me, the setup has added “hg” to the path. I hate it when it does not do that. Since I already have a project this is what I’ve done:
> hg help
Help screen with many options.
> cd TestProject
> hg init
> hg status | less
'less' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
> hg status | more
<A list of files all marked with “?” at the beginning>
> hg add *
> hg status | more
Now all files are marked as added.
> hg commit
<Write a comment>
> hg status | more
Empty line.
I notice that there is some not related directory:
> hg remove BrowserTest
> hg commit
Write a comment.
Now there is some weird zap file in my working directory. I wonder what it is…
To Be Continued …
The best part is that your entire repository for a given project is located in “.hg” directory!!!!