Friday, September 02, 2011

Mark All As Read

I am a fan of “Zero Inbox” system. It means that my Outlook, Gmail and Hotmail (each one is used for different purposes) all stand on zero emails in Inbox.

Well, apart from Gmail which is based on search so the emails are just left there to rot.

Zero inbox means less worries for me, less things to remember, better response time for other people and less black pixels on my screen. I am a happy user.

There was something that bothered and nagged me though. Google Reader. I was struggling to get it under 100 unread messages and lost the battle most of the time. I always wondered:

What am I missing there? Maybe the next unread item is the most interesting one? Reader always dragged my attention to it, as there are always more stuff to read and (probably to learn).

Well, not anymore! I’ve seen the future and it is called” Mark All As Read” button

Google Reader - MarkAllAsRead

There is always interesting stuff to read out there. However, the good part is that really interesting pieces will be linked, commented, re-linked and flamed all over the Internet. It is REALLY hard to miss them. Should I worry then that one of the “marked as read” items is a ground-breaking, world-changing, socks-blowing one?


I have a zero unread items in Google Reader now and I am happy.